At such a young age, what we choose to do with our kids, they probably won’t remember. I as a young girl went to many family vacations, even one being Disney at 7 years old. Do you think I remembered that trip? Vaguely. I remember the room being filled with Disney characters. I remember more of the Disney trip we took at 18years old. Do I think it was a waste of money and a waste of a trip because I don’t remember it? Absolutely not. My parents remember it. Remembered our favorite rides, our favorite characters, how we reacted when we saw the lights or the castle. We may have not remembered it, but they did. And to me, now as a parent myself, that’s worth it.
My girls will not remember the beach trip from last summer. Picking up all the seashells. Filling their buckets with sand. Playing in a small baby pool. How they ate butter noodles every day.
But I‘ll remember.
My girls will not remember their old home. The color of the walls, the space in their room, the playing in the backyard.
But I’ll remember.
My first born will not remember her first birthday party. The theme being Honey Bee and what she wore, who showed up, the presents she got, the decorations, the cake she ate.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember Daddy dressing up as Santa every Christmas.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember the pets in their life from their early years and how much they loved them.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember me leaving my career to stay home with them for the first few years of their life.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember me packing a lunch and eating it by the water. Soaking in the sun and the joy of the outside/beautiful weather.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember the late night snuggles when they couldn’t sleep or had a bad dream.
But I’ll remember.
My second born won’t remember being held all the time because she had acid reflux and needed a little extra attention.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember the zoo. And their excitement for seeing all the animals.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember their closet full of dresses and costumes that they loved to wear every day.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember moving to our new home and running through their new house for the first time.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember the many walks to the park.
But I’ll remember.
My girls won’t remember watching the Sunset on the beach.
But I’ll remember.
I chose to stay home with my girls. Left my career, years of work and schooling because it was what my heart desired. I wanted to focus on being mom. I didn’t do it for them, I did it for me. I know that if I chose to put them in daycare and continue working, they would’ve been fine. They would’ve thrived no matter where they were. But I knew that in my motherhood journey I wanted something different. I wanted to be home with them. That was a decision I made for myself. Yes, they won’t remember that. Or maybe they will remember some moments. But I’ll remember it, the time I had with them. The things we did together. The memories we made that I will cherish forever.
My girls’ childhood, is my motherhood. It’s the experiences I have with my little family that my husband and I created and choose to have together. My memories with them, my experiences, my time with them is important to me. I will remember it and I want to remember everything we did together. I want to remember to good, the bad and the ugly. I want to remember their smiles, how they walk down a pier together holding hands. Something so small, is everything to me. At this point in their life knowing they won’t remember much of it, I don’t plan it for them. I plan it for me. And the quality time together as a family. Because I am on a journey of motherhood right now and I want to make the most of it. And then one day, I can share pictures with them and tell them stories. And as they get older we can continue to create memories. For them and for myself and my husband. That to me is important.
So yes, they won’t remember. But I will.
Thank you so much for reading!