My favorite kind of post! I have a good one for you today! It's actually a win that when I asked my husband to share his mom win for this week, he said the exact same win that I had in mind. Here's Mom Win #5.
This win honestly started with a mom fail. It is bath time and my 15 month old and 2.5 year old are playing. My oldest tried to grab the shampoo bottle from the shelf. It lands on my 15 month olds shoulder and then hits her nose. It all happened so fast. She screamed (obviously) and got a bloody nose from it. I felt absolutely horrible. Naturally, she became VERY afraid of bath time after that.
The girls take a bath after dinner every day. It was a fun/play/clean time but after the shampoo bottle hit my 15 month old, it became a struggle just to get her in the bath. Every day for a week and a half, she would scream going in the bath and hold on to the edge trying to get out. Before I would put her in after I already put my two year old in the bath, she would hide in the corner starting to cry because she was so afraid to get in. She actually started to have nervous poops. Seriously. Like as soon as I turned on the water, she would squat in the corner, cry and start pooping. It was a nightmare, not only for me as a parent, but for her as a toddler. It did not phase my 2.5 year old one bit.
Towards the end of 1.5 weeks, she took a nervous poop on the bathroom floor as soon as I took her diaper off. After that moment, I knew I had to do something about it. I called my husband, we cleaned up the poop, Clorox the floor, and I asked him to watch the girls in the bathroom while I had to get something from my closet. I needed to think of something. The poop on the floor was the last straw. I put my bathing suit on and went back to the bathroom. Yes, I got in the bath with my girls that evening. I had my 15 month old sit with me on one side of the tub, and my other daughter was on the other side. For the first time in almost 2 weeks, we finally had a calm bath with zero crying.
After that bath, my 15 month old started to get comfortable in the water again. I only had to get in the bath with her once. Fast forward a month later and bath time is their favorite thing to do every day. I play music, we put in color drops, and I put in some bubbles and they just play. It's so fun! And no more nervous poops right before or on the floor!
I no longer keep the shampoo bottle on the shelves. Actually, I have cleared out all shelves in the girls bath because I never want to have to deal with this again or anything worse! It was definitely a lesson learned for me!
Thank you so much for reading!