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Mom Win #4

Writer's picture: allthingssusanaallthingssusana

My favorite kind of post that I continuously do is a Mom Win! We need to celebrate more what we do as moms! So here's mom win #4!

My Husband's Mom Win:

A couple weeks ago, during my one year old's nap time, my two year old and I were doing her relax time. I was cleaning up, my husband was working from home, and my two year old was on her tablet. I sit down after cleaning up the kitchen and she comes up to me wanting to sit on my lap. I smelled something. She pooped. I deal with poop diapers every single day, so that wasn't the issue. The issue was, she decided to put her hands down her pants and diaper after she pooped, had it all over her hands, wiped it on her sweatshirt she was wearing, and then continued to wipe it in her hair. It was seriously the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced as a parent. She of course thought it was hilarious. I take her up to my husband's work room, and held her up, saying she pooped, put it all over herself and I was going to take her a bath. Although I wanted to vomit, I stayed calm. When I asked my husband what my mom win for this post should be he immediately said "the day you had to deal with poop all over Elena. You handled it like a champ". After her bath, everything was fine. It was like it never happened, and she was so excited she got an afternoon bath! It was fun for her! Not as much fun for me.

We don't think about things like this when we are pregnant, and preparing to have children. Poop diapers of course are expected. Never do we think we will have to deal with poop in our child's hair. I've heard stories of it being on walls, or child's bed. So I knew it could possibly happen someday, but when it actually does happen... the worst. So yes, I would agree with my husband. Having to deal with it, calmly and without vomiting, is a huge Mom Win for me!

My Mom Win:

Sleep is so hard. Going through sleep training is even harder. This mom win is super simple, but makes a HUGE difference today. My husband and I decided early on when we first became parents that sleep would be a priority. We would make sure our children get naps every day until they no longer need it. We will stick to a schedule. We will create a nighttime routine early on, and we will teach our children to put themselves to sleep independently early in age. It is one thing to say we want to make sleep a priority, the hardest part is the consistency! I am proud to say that we have been consistent and my girls are good with putting themselves to sleep almost EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! It's amazing. They are both starting their routines around 6:40pm and lights out between 6:50-7pm. It is so nice. But it hasn't always been easy. My Mom win is staying consistent. We would not have lights out by 7pm if we weren't consistent. Through every sleep regression, through every early waking, through all the short naps, through every sickness, we stayed consistent. I did most of it too which is why it's my mom win. My husband wakes up at 3:30am every morning, going to bed at 8pm every work night. So it fell on me to make sure sleep stayed consistent. We adjusted as they got older, but the main routine and expectation stayed the same! Vacation is hard though. My one year old is much better with falling asleep while on vacation. My two year old, we've struggled almost every time we went on vacation after she turned two. I know as she gets older, going to sleep on vacation will start to get easier (hopefully). But at least when we are at home, she's fantastic and we rarely have issues.

Tell me your Mom Wins! Let's celebrate together!

Thank you so much for reading!


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