I believe it is important to recognize what we appreciate in life even if it’s something small. This post is all about what I appreciate but written in letter form for each subject.
Dear Husband,
Thank you for the time and effort you put into our marriage. Thank you for your emotional support when I need it most. Thank you for putting me and the girls first in your life. I appreciate who you are and that you love me for who I am. I appreciate that you’re always on my side. Thank you for being you.
Dear Sisters,
Thank you for your time and being great listeners. You always know what to say. You always know how to support me. Thank you for the joy you bring to my girls, and the love you show them every time. Thank you for respecting me as a parent and making an effort to never overstep. Thank you for your love and respect. Thank you for being you.
Dear Daughters,
Thank you for the love your bring into my life. Being your mommy is my favorite thing in the entire world. God knew what he was doing when he blessed me with you. You two are very different but also very similar. I love you more than words can even express. You are my everything.
Dear Girls on the Run,
Your program changed my life. Thank you. I have finally found a group of people who believe and feel the way I do about others and the power every single person has within. Thank you for the kind humans that came from your program who have brought so much positivity, empathy and joy into my life. Thank you for the friendships and the confidence. Thank you for making a difference. I am truly grateful to be a part of your program and growing every single day with the message you teach young girls and adults.
Dear Writing,
Thank you for giving me space to express myself. I am my most honest and authentic self when I am writing. It allows me to say things I struggle saying out loud. Thank you for always being my creative outlet. You have helped me in so many ways.
Dear Mom,
Thank you for teaching me what it means to have and hold on to unconditional love. Thank you for listening to me and loving me even on my lowest or hardest days. Thank you for dropping everything for me and being there for me when I need you the most. Thank you for validating my feelings. Thank you for your kindness and your effort for me. Thank you for being you.
Dear My Truest Friends,
Thank you for your unwavering support in my life. Thank you for making the efforts and time for me and committing to our friendship. Thank you for your kind text messages and checking in when you think about me. Thank you for your kindness to my children. I am very blessed with the very close friendships I have in my life. True, genuine friendships that I trust. I never have to worry what you’re going to say or gossip behind my back. You want me to succeed and you want to celebrate that with me. Thank you for your friendship.
Dear Mom Friends,
Thank you for understanding, supporting, and reaching out. Thank you for not judging and lifting me up. Thank you for your empathy. Motherhood is hard. And it’s okay to say it’s hard. Finding the right mom friends can make the difference during the trenches of motherhood. Thank you for being that kind of friend to me. You’re a good mom. Always remember that. Thank you for making sure I know that too.
Dear Followers,
Thank you for cheering me on. Thank you for following me because you believe in what I believe in. You support and trust my passion in fashion. Thank you for listening to me, taking the time to watch and love what I create. Thank you for the questions, the shopping through my links and shops, thank you for being positive. It has been a challenge putting myself out there but by having a community who supports what I do, it means the absolute world to me. I am following a dream of mine and I thank you for being a part of that journey with me.
Dear Self:
Thank you for making time for me. Thank you for your positive affirmations. Thank you for your kindness. I truly believe to be loved by others, the love starts with you. I love me, I love who I am, I know my worth, I love my life. This life, your dreams, your family, is absolutely beautiful. We did this. I am proud of who you’ve become. I am proud of the changes you’re making. Thank you for always finding a way to be okay through all the bad. Thank you for being my biggest fan. Thank you for being you.
Make a list of who and what you appreciate and write them a short letter. It’s a great way to think of the positives in your life. There’s always time to show appreciation even for the smallest things.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading. Who would you write an appreciation letter to and for what? I’d love to chat about it!
Very Respectfully,
P.S. Shout out to my brother in law introducing the “very respectfully” to end a message. I’m obsessed! And will be my new conclusion to every message.