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All Things Susana: the beginning

Hi all!!

This is my very first blog post on my site, so naturally I wanted to use this post to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a former teacher, current stay at home mom. I have been with my husband for 8 years, married for 6. I have two beautiful girls. They are 16 months apart. My oldest was born in May of 2020. My youngest was born in September of 2021.

When I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd, that was when I decided I wanted to finish the school year and then officially become a stay at home mom. It has been a wonderful experience. My days feel long but the time is flying by.

Now that I have a pretty good routine, I've been looking for something to do while I am at home with my girls during my downtime. My husband has recently started his own YouTube channel, and that has inspired me to do something similar. So after taking some time to think about my life and what I enjoy doing, blogging has always come up. Before I had babies, I was really into blogging. I wrote two blogs actually! One was to share my recovery experience after Jaw surgery in 2015 and the other was to share my first half marathon training in 2017. I really enjoyed writing both blogs so I decided I wanted to do it again and more. So this blog is all about mom life, and all the things I love. SO I

created this site and blog to share everything I love with you. I also created an instagram, facebook page and pinterest account to share on social media as well. So make sure you follow me for more All Things Susana content!

Thank you so much for your support as I begin this new journey and start blogging again. I am really excited for whats to come. My goal is to share a schedule with you on social media every Sunday of the upcoming week. That way you know what blog topics are coming as well as social media content! That's the "teacher" in me. I LOVE schedules!!! If there is anything you would love me to write about, you can head to my contact page and shoot me a message. I will do my best to honor your request!

Once again, thank you for your love and support. I love you all very much!


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